Number 7

Number 7

Ketu/ grandparents / Shadow of Moon / Minister’s wife/ Son

Number 7 is a Number of Sacrifices, a seeker, thinker and a hermit. It is the seeker of truth, and reminds of a wise old man with an outstretched arm. In his hand he holds a lamp, shining its light in search of answers. It is a number of” MOKSH” liberation from all worldly pleasures, it is the only key to survive, it’s a number of foreign countries.

People born on 7th of the month are sensitive, secretive, cash liquidity will never fade, intuitive people who like to work things out for themselves, it is a number of sacrifices. There are strong chance that native have lost people and things he/she loved or adored in life. They enjoy spending time in Research and learning. They can speak about anything and almost everything …they have knowledge of world or past life. They love their friends but find it hard to give and receive affection. They have their own unique way of doing things.

People with destiny number 7 need time by themselves to grow in knowledge & wisdom. They have their own special, unique approach to everything they do. It gives them great originality, but also mean that they find it hard to make changes & adapt. They prefer a few close friends to large groups of acquaintances. Reserved, cautious and introspective, seven are spiritual people. Philosophy of life grows & develops as they go through life.

They are emotionally balanced, Explorer & researcher, leaning attitude, Scientific bent of mind, Spiritual, Optimist, great Intuition power, have to face lot of Disappointment, Setbacks, have a strongly marked individuality, generally happy if they visit foreign countries Dreamers, Kind-hearted, Good motivational speaker good ideas about business but seldom put them in practice


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