Number 4

Number 4

Minister/Shadow of Sun/Friends

Number 4 represents Minister, who is responsible for managing the biggest  and unexpected events about to happen in life. Rahu it is also called “The Shadow of Sun”, which is not good. Rahu refers to clubs, parties, friends, Smoke. The square- shaped 4 is down –to –earth. It sits on the ground, and it is a foundation and a rock of support for other numbers. It represents limitations (often self- imposed) and discipline; it is never a dreamer.

Number 4 also refers to 4 Directions  which means native is intelligent, attain knowledge of all direction around him but it also makes him confused in taking any decision, always planning or doing some or the other thing, native is organized, good in mathematics, calculative, interior designers, vastu experts, they can be misguided or they can be diverted towards the wrong deeds, intention of making money quick money which often leads them into critical situations.

People born on 4th of the month are well- organized people who enjoy challenges. They love their home, family and country only in critical situation, they are forced leave their mother land. They are conscientious, highly responsible, and prepared to work hard and for as long as they want.

They sometimes can be Harsh in speech, they are interested in sudden change, unexpected happenings are a part of their lives “sudden gain sudden loss”. They certainly have foreign connections excellent at handling big ventures, it’s a number of thought and planning. Excessive number 4 in any Date of birth can bring confusion and indecisiveness and can be little flirt in nature.


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