Number 3

Number 3


Number 3 stands for JUPITER, the biggest planet in the entire solar system therefore it has been respected the most.

We also call it the Guru, the teacher, this number stands for Growth, Knowledge, Elder brother and our elders. People born on 3rd of month are outgoing, imaginative, social, communicative, they Express all Joys of life and a generally Highly popular.

They are often better at coming up with ideas than they are at carrying them out. They are restless and frequently have more than one major relationship in their lives but no matter how many relationships they have but they will only take the relationship ahead which is being commended by his elderโ€™s or parents. It is indeed a blessed number, respected everywhere, they have talent with words, pleasing personality that nobody can ignore and are likely to be the most successful in any field.

The 3 represents self โ€“expression, verbal art, enthusiasm, and inspiration. It is the most imaginative of all numbers, and this is reflected in its open and inviting shape, which is ready to embrace anything in this world and the world above.

Number 3 stands for nobility governs education, symbol of good health and wealth they generally are not lucky for themselves but wherever they stand and whoever they stand with never faces downfall, Success never leaves their door. They possess great tolerance power, egoistic, never satisfied at subordinate position, they excellent in giving orders and enforcing discipline, socially popular, happy marriage, good for sure.


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