Number 23 poses the power and qualities of 2+3= 5 that forms a conjunction of Moon+ Jupiter and Mercury… This conjunction brings business mind, anger, new possibilities.
he highest vibration, gives maximum protection, an “angel on each shoulder”, magical charisma, mesmerizing communication, expansion and wisdom, wealth, abundance, success, luck in love, empathy, progress, strength, popularity, perfect harmony between the 5 elements, alchemy and magic. However, when in imbalance, the 23/5 can start to behave in a spoiled and entitled manner, expecting things to go its way without any effort. It may take the good things in its life for granted and treat others like objects.
People born on 23rd of the month are sensitive, intelligent & independent people, who always eager to express themselves. They should change their instability and changeable nature and try to continue with one field of business/profession.
Discipline and order are necessities for you to be successful in life. They work well with others as long as there are not too many restrictions placed upon them. They are determined, practical, wavering mind and whimsical.
It becomes unaccountable, happy-go-lucky, and slippery like Teflon, always weaseling its way out of responsibility and taking shortcuts. Native born on 23 of any month is attractive, early marriage, political mind , clever. they can be little flurtious in their personality.