Number 21

Number 21

Moon+ Sun =Jupiter

Number 21 poses the power and qualities of 2+1=3 that forms a conjunction of moon+ sun and Jupiter…

 Native is Emotionally Confused !!!

People born on the 21st of the month are intelligent, amusing and creative. However, they tend
to worry about small things, and are often nervous and moody. They can be on top of the world
one minute, and down in the dumps the next. They have definite verbal skills and could do well
in any career involving their voice.

They are talented in writing and verbal skills. You can succeed as an artist, writer, or editor, engineer..

Your love runs deep and you can be passionate. More often than not, however, you are on the receiving end of affection, simply because people are charmed by you or attracted to your charismatic personality.

Their emotional life can really be called saturated, as they have all qualities of the Number 2 and all energy of Number 1. They need spiritual and physical communication. Although they are not as strong as the Numbers 1 and 3, they are still stronger than Number 2, and they also need physical satisfaction. Sexually they are not weak, with a high tendency to romance. This makes them a good lovers, as they react to both: the spiritual and physical sides of their partners, and if the partner is not very sexy, they can satisfy him in both ways – spiritually and physically.

They have a pretty good appetite, tend to gain weight, not being too demanding, and their ability for the spiritual communion makes them more interesting

People born on the 21th of the month are smart and witty at times, they are blessed and have ancestral blessings which help them overcome every situation in life, obey parents, love marriage with blessing of parents on cards.


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